Saturday, July 18, 2009

Stellar Jays are the cameleon of the Pacific Northwest. You always know when you see them because there is no mistaking their dark blue color. But their "vocabulary" mimics many other birds. Here (in a cropped version) two of them were making lunch of a sunflower at the end of autumn. In their antics they even hung upside down from the flower head extracting the sunflower seeds.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Prairie Falcon

I love the birds. Over time they have been a "constant". Regardless of other themes, I return to birds always. I use the analogy of bird life in nature many times in therapy. How birds, and all things in nature, live by a rhythm that we as humans seem to have a hard time with. There is no confusion about the stages of life in nature.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


This is a good thought with which to leave this holiday weekend. PiePie and PoohBear (now looking down on this household) both reached a good old age of 18 years.